Why I build websites with WordPress

All modern websites are built with CMS’s. Content Management Systems allow the separation of code from content and look and feel – colors and layout. They also allow the average person with minimum guidance to update and add content without development costs....

Are You Promoting Yourself & Your Business Weekly?

We are 3 weeks into a new year. How many of us made a promise or resolution to do more to promote our businesses this year? ... Are you doing it yet? There was an old saying in business that said you should spend at least 10% of your income on advertising and...

The Importance of Video On Your Website

Probably the most important thing you can do for increasing conversions - leads, phone calls, forms filled out - on your website, is to add videos to each of your main pages.The videos DO NOT need to be New York 5th Avenue productions with all the glamour of a...

How Well Did Your Business Do This Year?

It's that time of year where I always look back over the past year and analyze what happened in my business, as well as my life. The standard questions are usually: Did my business grow this year - in terms of overall sales and number of clients? If it did, what was...

Gmail Compose Window – Get It Back

If you are like me, and thousands upon thousands of other people, you love your Gmail or Google Apps email, but you absolutely hate the new Gmail compose email. Well, there is a solution. It's called Retro Compose for Gmail - and it's easily installed on Google Chrome...